
My Current Dance Craze

So life has been a little bit...uh...crazy lately. I think we've all gone through those periods of time where it just seems like everything is being thrown at you faster than you can say "meat nuggets." I also apologize, because I feel like I need to post on here every so often out of the sheer obligation of owning a blog, and this week has been killing me.

So, in order to cope with the stress of everyday life, I've created a little dance. Does it actually help? I have no idea. Probably not. But it's fun and I think that in some strange way it's therapeutic.

My dance is called "The Shitshit Dance."

(I apologize for the wiggly outlines. Hopefully a graphics tablet is in my near future.)

It goes to no music, and the moves are to be completely made up by the dancer. The only rule is to be as erratic as humanly possible with the arm and leg movements whilst exclaiming shit in a manner deemed appropriate to the situation. But in what situation would this be necessary? Well, I'm glad you asked.

Huge exam tomorrow you forgot to study for? Crap! SHITSHITSHIT!!
Woke up late for class/work/important appointment? Oops! SHITSHITSHITTT!!
Extremely socially awkward situation? Make it better! SHITSHITSHIIIITTT!!
Eating a burrito that is lava on the edges and frozen in the center? Well.....SHIT.SHIT.SHIT.
And many more!!

Okay, so I'm a little odd. But we all have to get through those tough days somehow, right? :)


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