
Im failing Anatomy 2 and should be studying...


I honestly don't know what to say to you guys I don't really have any sort of thought out plan, I just felt like I needed to contribute to this page.. Sara created this last night all by herself and I felt bad that I wasn't there.. or really even putting a ton, if any, thought or effort into naming it or for that matter. My dearest apologies. I was so distracted by events around me ie. holding babies, going to diners, meeting friends, freaking out from being in Allentown, being followed by a cop, and last but not least going through Burger Kings drive thru in reverse. I was so upset, the workers didn't even look impressed!! How many people can you say have come through your drive thru like that? I mean if I saw anyone come through like that I would probably give them something for free for being so a w e s o m e.

I'm also paranoid of police officers now. My college schedule has me basically me running on like 4 to 5 hours of sleep and my social life has turned nocturnal, cops don't seem to understand this and profile me all the time whenever I'm driving home at 3 or 4 in the morning. In the past week and a half Ive gotten a $170.50 ticket (which I later found out of could've challenged it and won), and have been followed for a short amount of time for the past two nights on the way home. None the less, I have gotten extremely good at picking them out. Its like playing where's waldo! (OH FOUND HIM! FOUND HIM! HE IS CREEPIN IN THE GRAVE YARD!!) And whenever they flip those red and blue lights on, all I remind myself now as a wave of fear rushing through my body ITS FINE, WERE FINE as I have a whole conversation played out in my head now as to why he (or she) has pulled me over, and how I was doing absolutely nothing wrong this time. I know all of your little tricks now, coppers, thanks to my father's stories of when he owned a Camaro back in the day and couldn't go anywhere without a cop following him around. I don't even have a nice car.. I don't know why they want to follow me around.

I get so off track all the time, like right now. At this moment I should be taking a shower and then heading up to Nazareth to study Anatomy with my future husband. My test is tomorrow and I am SOO not prepared to get ass chewed up and spit out by my professor, I also have terrible test anxiety so that doesn't make it any better. But no. What am I doing? Entertaining people who don't even have a basic understanding that this page exists yet. That just shows my dedication.

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