
An Appropriate Actual First Post.

What makes it so appropriate? Seeing as how this blog feels like it will be predominantly populated with comics, I figured I'd get the ball rolling with an oldie but goodie:
Bri and I are best frands. We drew this in 8th grade, which was quite some time ago considering we're both in college. I'm the one kneeling and begging for her mercy, and Bri's the one going ballistic and laughing. As you can see, she's holding a very large hot glue gun. Long story short, 8th grade was the year for about a million and a half projects, and since we couldn't make them good with actual content, our 13 year old creativity pretty much consisted of whatever we could hot glue to something else. Those "easy buttons" on the ground there are referring to Bri's home-made easy button. It was basically a GIGANTIC hardened puddle of hot glue. I never want to use hot glue again...so..many..burns... Anyway, as you can tell in this we're both wearing our plaid skirts because we attended the tiniest rinky-dink catholic school you could think of. Like seriously, gym class consisted of playing hand ball (couldn't afford sticks, let alone bats) on a blacktop secured by a prison-style chain link fence adjacent to a major street. We like to think that surviving it gave us "better personalities," but its probably something more along the lines of "social abnormalities." The kid getting killed in the background is this kid Brandon who was in our class. His only role here is to show that the glue hurts. And of course, there's a Canadian plane crashing way in the background. Sorry if you're Canadian, but I'm gonna tell you right now, prepare to be the butt of a lot jokes because Bri and I have a running gag about hating you.

Us in lovely PA

(Bri's on the left, me on the right) (Edit: BRi: Terribly picture of me. )

In short, if you don't know us already, I think that comic describes us pretty accurately because, well, we don't really make a lot of sense. But our friends think it's funny and hopefully you do too. Oh, and make this blog famous. That would be pretty rockin'. -Sara

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