
Don't Blame Us, It Was 3am...

So, being that we are well into our lovely spring semester of college, it tends to happen that some nights go a little late while we try to get all of that homework/exam studying/project work done. With this in mind, last night was one of those late ones. There was a point where none of us wanted to do anything we had to do, and as the night went on, more and more ridiculous things were said. I don't think the world is ready for most of those things, but there was one that I found that was appropriate/funny enough to draw. And if you're thinking "Sara, this isn't at all appropriate!" Just remember, it was one of the more appropriate things that was said.

As a little bit of background, this is a hot beverage product hailing from my friend Tri, who deemed it with the lovely name mentioned below. Claiming it had magical ultra-fiber-like qualities, she insisted that this is truly what happens upon ingesting this product. Though it's not actually comprised of what the name suggests, I think you can figure out why else it would have that name. The more graphic details were withheld (though if I get a good response on this one there may be a follow-up second advertisement). I present to you, Poop Tea (patent pending):

Yes, that's exactly what it looks like.

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